The Chroma Collective (Gender Mainstreaming Learning Collective for Donor Organizations)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
2020 - 2024
The Chroma Collective is a network of leading donor and financing institutions committed to advancing gender equality in global development. Chroma members are gender practitioners within these institutions who are tasked with ‘gender mainstreaming’, a process of integrating a gender lens into all aspects of an organization’s external programming, as well as its internal policies, systems, and culture.
Using design innovation, members build on their strong track record in gender mainstreaming to jointly address entrenched challenges and co-create innovative solutions to meet their institution’s gender equality commitments. Additionally, Chroma provides a safe and supportive space for its members to harness their collective power and advance the gender ecosystem more broadly.
Currently, Chroma members are focused on the design and development of products and actions related to: the intersection of gender and the green agenda; multi-directional institutional accountability; and mapping effective approaches to gender mainstreaming. Iris Group convenes the Chroma Collective in partnership with IDEO.org, a leading design studio committed to creating a more just and inclusive world.